Type classification may appear to be quite a formal exercise so I decided to take a more playful approach to the project. I also thought this was a good opportunity to develop some skills in animation and moving image.
Having researched into the various typefaces, I chose six based on where and when the type was created and their particular characteristics, eg. some being geometric others known for their clarity or connecting script, and so on. This helped me to create a narrative play linking characters to the type. My chosen typeface were Helvetica, Futura, Caslon, Bondoni, Garamond, and Snell Roundhead.
From each type, I created six fun and very different characters. My technique was to animate the characters, using Adobe Photoshop by layering the different expressions. I then brought the video in to Premiere Pro for editing and finally used Adobe After Effects for the type and other effects.

Character development
Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Characters ready to be animated
Characters ready to be animated
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