The concept of using movement and natural materials to explore colour design immediately excited me. I began by experimenting with various liquids to create interesting visual effects that demonstrated the fluidity and blending of colours. By mixing ink with full-fat milk, I was able to capture intricate and beautiful patterns that showed how colours interact. I also experimented with food colouring and ink in water and cooking oil, creating fascinating contrasts and interactions of colour in motion.
This project combined both natural and digital elements, with footage of liquid colour interactions shot and then manipulated digitally. By combining the organic flow of colours in water and oil with post-production digital effects, I was able to demonstrate colour principles in an artistic and engaging way that would resonate with students learning about colour theory for the first time.

Secondary colours
Food colouring and milk
Food colouring and milk

Food colouring and milk
Food colouring and milk
Food colouring and milk
Food colouring and milk

Food colouring and cooking oil